Abitur Graduation at AvH

Soumis par Nico Ahn le dim, 01/06/2014 - 09:10

On Friday, May 30, 2013, Dr Gisela Steinle represented the German Society at the Abitur Graduation (Grade 12) at the Alexander von Humboldt German International School (AvH). She congratulated the students in the name of the Society for having successfully completed their studies. Dr Steinle also highlighted the long cooperation between the school and the Society.

Many of the students know Dr Steinle personally as she was the vice principal of AvH until 2012.

The German Society of Montreal congratulates the Abitur-Graduates and wishes them all the best for their future careers.

The Alexander von Humboldt German International School is German school part of a global network of school supported by the German government. Students at the school can not only complete their Québec Secondary School Diploma, but also the German International Abitur, giving them direct access to all programs at any university.

The German Society of Montreal is a non-profit establishment with the goal of promoting the German language and culture as well as to build bridges between different members and organization of the German community in Montreal. The Society also supports various charitable projects.

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