Société allemande publie son Rapport Annuel 2015

Soumis par Nico Ahn le mar, 23/06/2015 - 22:27
Le rapport annuel de la Société allemande est disponible uniquement en anglais. Si vous avez des questions vous pouvez nous contacter.

In an effort to increase transparency and improve communication with its members, the German Society has for the first time published its Annual Report online. We invite our members, partners and other stakeholders to take a look. The Annual Report 2015 contains three sections, outlining the Society's acheivements, activities and financial performance in the year ended March 31, 2015. Due to the year end of March 31, the financial results of the German Gala Ball 2015 are not included in this result, but will be included in the Annual Report 2016.

Go to the Annual Report page to download and read the report.

The Annual Report published is the report of the German Society of Montreal. The Annual Report of the Relief and Welfare Fund of the German Society of Montreal, the Society's charitable trust, has yet to be prepared by the Trustees of the Fund.


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